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- Palmira Del Banco Land
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ Palmira del Banco es uno de los encantadores pueblos agrícolas de la Ruta Sur, que une Boquete con Volcán y enlaza los pueblos del altiplano a lo largo de una ruta muy pintoresca. PARCELA DE MONTAÑA EN PALMIRA DEL BANCO, CON FÁCIL ACCESO POR CARRETERA Y EXCELENTES VISTAS Electricidad de la ciudad Agua de la ciudad -- Amenities EL TERRENO Parcialmente en funcionamiento como una granja de caña de azúcar, este lote de 2 hectáreas tiene un poco de elevación y un espacio plano de construcción que acentúa las vistas del Volcán Barú y el Océano Pacífico. La espesa vegetación del lote aumenta cuanto más te alejas de la carretera, hasta llegar a un arroyo que divide la propiedad de las tierras de cultivo de los vecinos detrás. El cinturón verde se extiende por el centro de la propiedad Palmira del Banco, ofreciendo sombra extra y la sensación de estar envuelto en la naturaleza. A 960 metros sobre el nivel del mar, disfrutar de la buscada después de clima de la región, noches frescas y mañanas soleadas en temporada de lluvias, y un soleado pero siempre verde estación seca, que recibe menos percipitación que Boquete sin los vientos extremos de Volcán. Cerca hay un acceso no explotado al Parque Nacional de Barú, con una caminata de 1 hora a algunas cascadas impresionantes, y bosque nuboso virgen. El sendero continúa unas 4 horas hasta la cabecera del río Majagua. ACCESO Se accede a esta propiedad a través de un desvío de la autopista Ruta Sur 103. Esta carretera está programada para ser asfaltada en el año, y actualmente es de grava en buen estado. Palmira del Banco se encuentra aproximadamente a 1 hora de Boquete y de la ciudad de David, donde se pueden encontrar todas las comodidades. Fuente de agua dulce Cultivos Vista a la montaña Vista al mar Proximidad al parque nacional Acceso por carretera Suelo volcánico Features Si desea ver más propiedades como el Lote Palmira del Banco, por favor visite la página de Roots Real Estate Panamá's Farm Land. Tierras de cultivo Palmira Del Banco Land USD $120,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0108 Date added: 09/14/20 Bedrooms: -- Floors: -- Bathrooms: -- Status: Titulado Lot size: 2 hectares Location: Palmira del Banco, Chiriqui Facts More about this Property Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Tierras de cultivo Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features Electricidad de la ciudad Agua de la ciudad -- More about this Property Amenities Electricidad de la ciudad Agua de la ciudad -- Fuente de agua dulce Cultivos Vista a la montaña Vista al mar Proximidad al parque nacional Acceso por carretera Suelo volcánico Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Isla entre Rio y Mar Caribe
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ LA UBICACIÓN Este hermoso lote frente al mar se encuentra en una isla donde el río Calovebora se encuentra con el Mar Caribe. La isla está justo al otro lado del río de la pintoresca ciudad de Calovebora, que sólo recientemente se ha convertido en accesible en coche- la apertura de un mundo de oportunidades para el turismo, la pesca, kayak y playa peinado. Calovebora es la última parada de la carretera que va de Santa Fe (Veraguas) a la costa de Mosquitos, que atraviesa un parque nacional repleto de flora y fauna en peligro de extinción. Este nuevo acceso por carretera asfaltada transforma lo que solía ser una aventura todoterreno de 2 horas, seguida de un paseo de 2 horas en kayak o en barca por el río, en un trayecto suave y visualmente impresionante de 1 hora y media. TERRENO FRENTE AL MAR EN CALOVEBORA Uno de los rincones más salvajes de Panamá, la línea costera de Calovebora es ahora accesible a través de una nueva carretera asfaltada. Vea qué oportunidades frente al mar le esperan acercado -- Amenities Hermoso lote frente al mar ubicado en la isla frente al pueblo de Calovebora en la costa de Veraguas. Nuevo acceso por carretera asfaltada al pueblo, a solo 1 hora y media del pueblo de Santa Fe. EL TERRENO La propiedad es una joya asequible, con tanto río y playa de mar para que usted disfrute. Prácticamente sin desarrollar, no pasará mucho tiempo hasta que los inversores obtener un soplo de toda esta costa del Caribe tiene para ofrecer. El terreno es llano y alberga muchos cocoteros y árboles más grandes que ofrecen sombra. Las vibraciones de la selva prosperan donde el desierto se encuentra con el mar, un lugar muy especial. frente del mar naturaleza accesso por lancha nueva carretera al pueblo Features Fuera del Red Beachfront Isla entre Rio y Mar Caribe 90,000 USD Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0241 Date added: 11/11/2024 Bedrooms: -- Floors: -- Bathrooms: -- Status: ROP Lot size: 3165 m2 Location: Calovebora, Veraguas, Panama Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Fuera del Red Beachfront Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features acercado -- More about this Property Amenities acercado -- frente del mar naturaleza accesso por lancha nueva carretera al pueblo Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Collines de Bocas
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ La propriété de Bocas Hills est idéale pour le développement d'une communauté verte, le terrain unique du lot offre beaucoup d'intimité pour chaque établissement et beaucoup d'espace pour le jardinage et l'élevage. Situé le long de la route Via Almirante, à environ 1 heure à l'est d'Almirante, vous ne saurez jamais que ce paradis existe depuis la route. COLLINES EN BORDURE DE RIVIÈRE SUR LE CONTINENT DE BOCAS DEL TORO Cabane Électricité de la ville Eau de ville Cuisine complète WiFi -- Amenities LA TERRE Le terrain est une série de petites collines avec de grandes prairies plates plus proches de la rivière. Il y a trois parcelles plates perchées au sommet des collines avec des vues sur la chaîne de montagnes Talamanca et le Volcan Baru. Une route bien conçue et entretenue vous mène de l'autoroute à 32 hectares de superbes terres herbeuses parsemées de grands arbres d'ombrage. Le bétail et les chevaux paissent actuellement les champs et certaines sections de la propriété sont clôturées pour les jardins potagers, où poussent l'aji, le plantain, les bananes et le Yucca. Un ruisseau sinueux coule toute l'année et traverse la propriété en diagonale. Il pourrait être utile à la communauté d'installer une turbine génératrice d'énergie. À la frontière nord de la propriété, le ruisseau rejoint la rivière Robalo, où vous trouverez des piscines suffisamment profondes pour vous baigner et des champs ombragés, idéaux pour les terrains communaux et les matchs de football. Avec un bateau de rivière, vous pouvez rejoindre la mer via la lagune de Chiriqui en 1 heure. LE RÊVE La propriété de Bocas Hills est parfaite pour un développement vert : Une grande propriété, avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour vivre hors réseau. Mais la fibre optique est en route ! La propriété de Bocas Hills est parfaite pour une ferme : Bétail, chevaux, moutons ou légumes, cette terre vous servira ! La propriété de Bocas Hills est parfaite pour un développement touristique : Beaucoup d'espace pour un hôtel ou des cabanes, et aucune concurrence dans la région ! Accès routier Cultures Jardín Vue sur la jungle Vue sur les montagnes Bord de rivière Source d'eau douce Features Si vous avez aimé l'annonce de Bocas Hills, veuillez consulter la page des terres agricoles de Roots Real Estate Panama pour d'autres annonces présentant des caractéristiques similaires. Terres agricoles Collines de Bocas USD $480,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0103 Date added: 09/23/20 Bedrooms: 1 Floors: -- Bathrooms: 1 Status: Intitulé Lot size: 32 hectares Location: Bocas del Toro, Panama Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Terres agricoles Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features Cabane Électricité de la ville Eau de ville Cuisine complète WiFi -- More about this Property Amenities Cabane Électricité de la ville Eau de ville Cuisine complète WiFi -- Accès routier Cultures Jardín Vue sur la jungle Vue sur les montagnes Bord de rivière Source d'eau douce Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Gema titulada frente al mar en el salvaje Bastimentos
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ LA TIERRA ¡Esta gran joya de la selva de 6 hectáreas + 1223 m2 está totalmente titulado - un hallazgo raro en las islas de Bocas del Toro! Situado en la isla Bastimentos, la isla más grande y salvaje en el archipiélago, la propiedad está cerca de la Rana Roja sendero de acceso a la playa y uno de los más buscados de Bocas del Toro retiros ecológicos, llamado La Loma. Vecinos en la parte trasera son "Bastimentos holdings", que posee la villa Red Frog y Marina, el entorno es tranquilo y seguro. La propiedad tiene una abundancia de agua dulce, con 2 manantiales y un estanque hermoso. Ambos manantiales ya cuentan con la infraestructura necesaria para represar el agua como reserva para el sistema de recogida de agua de lluvia. El paseo marítimo es un lugar excelente para amarrar veleros, ya que el nombre de la bahía "Bahia Honda". Está completamente resguardada y la zona se ha utilizado históricamente como refugio contra las tormentas desde los tiempos de los conquistadores y piratas españoles. La mayor parte de las más de 6 hectáreas es selva, que se ha conservado con esmero para albergar capuchinos de cara blanca, perezosos de dos y tres dedos, monos nocturnos, mapaches, armadillos, caimanes, osos hormigueros, pacas, zarigüeyas grises de cuatro ojos y lanudas, iguanas, boas, lagartos y murciélagos que viven en la isla. La zona que rodea la casa está bien cuidada y hay senderos que llevan desde el estanque a otras fuentes de agua dulce. En esta zona bien cuidada encontrará cientos de árboles frutales productivos... Piña, coco, fruta del pan, mango, jackfruit, plátano, plátano macho, sopa agria, biriba, manzana de agua/rosa, limón, lima, naranja agria están todos al alcance de la mano." GRANJA ISLENO CON TITULO, UNO JOYA DE BOCAS DEL TORO wifi Muelle Amueblado collecte de l'eau de pluie Paneau Solaire lavanderia -- Amenities LA CASA Construida según los estándares americanos, la casa de 3 plantas está situada en una preciosa parcela elevada, con vistas a las puestas de sol de Bocas del Toro. La casa tiene 2 dormitorios y 1 baño en la planta superior, y una cocina abierta, salón y comedor en la planta baja, con un segundo cuarto de baño y lavadero. La planta baja es una gran bodega con espacio de almacenamiento y un lavadero. Una terraza recorre todo el ancho de la casa, frente al mar, para disfrutar de la brisa marina y de las preciosas vistas. Desde aquí se ven a menudo delfines nadando. EL SISTEMA OFFGRID 15 paneles solares en el tejado 2 fosas sépticas de 1100 litros cada una 2 depósitos de agua de 2500 litros cada uno baterías lithium nuevas (1,5 meses) Calentador de agua nuevo Inversor Magnum 120v/240v(1.5 años). Árboles frutales Vista del Mar proximidad a la playa Elevation Naturaleza Isla Features EXTRAS La casa viene con los siguientes extras: - Panga de 19 pies con un fueraborda Suzuki de 40 hp (5 años) - Un nuevo Bimini top para el barco (todavía en caja) - Un nuevo generador de combustible dual 12000w como copia de seguridad para el sistema solar SOLD Gema titulada frente al mar en el salvaje Bastimentos Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0172 Date added: 4/30/2023 Bedrooms: 2 Floors: 2 Bathrooms: 3 Status: titulado Lot size: 6.12 hectares Location: Bahia Honda, Isla Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ SOLD Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features wifi Muelle Amueblado collecte de l'eau de pluie Paneau Solaire lavanderia -- More about this Property Amenities wifi Muelle Amueblado collecte de l'eau de pluie Paneau Solaire lavanderia -- Árboles frutales Vista del Mar proximidad a la playa Elevation Naturaleza Isla Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Crystal Clear Waterfront Jungled Lot
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ THE LAND Wonderful elevated land in abundance! Located next to a high profile eco lodge, and wrapping 2 sides of a little peninsula, this property spans a nice chunk of the little Shepard Island. The 17 hectares of lush jungle are wild, with a variety of locations for potential build sites that capture beautiful sea views. Even in the roughest weather, the South side of Shepard Island's waters remain calm and protected, a wonderful place for swimming , snorkeling and paddling. 17 HECTARES ON ISLA PASTOR A huge plot of land with 2 stretches of crystalline waterfront. cabin -- Amenities THE LOCATION About 10 minutes by boat from Almirante, where there is a huge new regional hospital! The proximity to the town also means getting building materials be easier and much cheaper than at many other outer island options. The surrounding area is safe, with low traffic, and lots of marine life. There are neighbors, each with their own private paradise, and plenty of jungle in between. THE DREAM The Crystal Clear Waterfront Jungled Lot is perfect for an ocean view home: Build off grid in paradise and enjoy this massive tract of wilderness and the quiet that comes with it. The Crystal Clear Waterfront Jungled Lot is perfect for dividing in two: With two water accesses why not split this property in half, the proceeds of one side could build your little jungle home on the other. coast wild jungle coral reef calm water Features Residential Offgrid Crystal Clear Waterfront Jungled Lot 249,000 USD Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0244 Date added: 12/6/2024 Bedrooms: Floors: Bathrooms: Status: ROP Lot size: 17 hectares Location: Isla Pastores, Bocas del Toro, Panama Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Residential Offgrid Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features cabin -- More about this Property Amenities cabin -- coast wild jungle coral reef calm water Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Charming Chalet in Altos de Maria Panama
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ Located in the idyllic community of Altos de Maria, which sprawls through the Mountains of Sora, this gorgeous home benefits from the exclusivity of the gated community, but is only an hour and half from Panama City. Altos de Maria is roughly 30 minutes from Pacific beaches and world class golf resorts, and has its own private Mountain road to Valle de Anton. THE HOME A beautiful chalet made of tropical hardwood, is perched on the hillside, with direct views of the dramatic Cerro Picacho. The 2 story home has 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, and an open concept kitchen and dining room. A wrap around deck with ceramic tile floors, spans the front of the building offering panoramic views of the breathtaking landscape. Under the home, are 2 covered parking spaces and storage. CHARMING CHALET WITH INCREDIBLE MOUNTAIN VIEWS IN ALTOS DE MARIA WiFi City electricity City water Full kitchen Parking Pool -- Amenities THE LAND Built on a hill for ultimate views from every window, the 2130 m2 property slopes up to a natural backdrop of mountain forest. The curved driveway climbs up to the building site offering the home privacy from the main road with elevation. In the front yard there is a pool with a slide, and one of two Ranchos, for shaded outdoor relaxation. The second Rancho is at the top of the property accessible by a staircase for your morning exercise, to be rewarded with the million dollar view of the valley and mountain chain. An irrigation system runs throughout the property for easy maintenance. Evaluated at 460,000 USD, this home is a charismatic deal listed 80,000$ under it’s value, and should not to be overlooked. THE COMMUNITY Living in the pristine natural setting of Altos de Maria has many benefits, communal green areas have been established to prevent overdevelopment, and mountain trails offer endless opportunities to explore. The community provides first-class infrastructure like paved roads and an independent electrical power grid. Around every corner is a natural gem, like waterfalls and rivers, observation decks, parks, lookout points, and impeccable landscaping both natural and gardened. Some of the animals dwelling in the development are deer, monkeys, sloths, birds, butterflies and Panama’s famous golden frog. With a perfect spring-like climate year round (75º F – 24 Cº), Altos de Maria is the closest you’ll get to living in the garden of Eden ( but with WIFI and 24/7 security) . The following is a list of perks you can enjoy, reserved for residents! Broadband Internet community center social areas and shops natural swimming pool next to a waterfall a heliport Direct TV 11 miles of nature trails suspension bridges tennis courts gym table tennis and pool table Community led activities Road Access Canyon view Garden Gated community Mountain view Proximity to national park Volcanic soil Features If you love the Charming Chalet in Altos de Maria, please see our Roots Real Estate listings in gated communities. Residential Charming Chalet in Altos de Maria Panama USD $385,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0053 Date added: 08/31/21 Bedrooms: 3 Floors: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Status: Titled Lot size: 2130 m² Location: Altos de Maria, Panama Oeste Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Residential Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features WiFi City electricity City water Full kitchen Parking Pool -- More about this Property Amenities WiFi City electricity City water Full kitchen Parking Pool -- Road Access Canyon view Garden Gated community Mountain view Proximity to national park Volcanic soil Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- A Heart Shaped Private Island in Dolphin Bay
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ No neighbors, no fences, just a lovely private island in Dolphin Bay!! 20 minutes from Bocas Town, this little heart shaped island is the perfect escape for star crossed lovers, though there is space for the whole family. THE ISLAND Alot of character is packed into this 604 m2 private island. Thirteen feet above sea level, it sits like a colorful bouquet of flowers above the low lying mangroves that surround. The island has been thoughtfully gardened with ornamental plants, and landscacped with a river rock sea wall, it has its own pineapple plantation, and even an artificial beach! A jacuzzi by the water’s edge is the ideal spot of star gazing as there is virtually zero light pollution to be found in Dolphin Bay. For the brave of heart, night jumps off the dock will award you beautiful explosions of bioluminescent light, just one of the many surprises Bocas has in store for you. AMAZING HEART SHAPED PRIVATE ISLAND IN DOLPHIN BAY, BOCAS DEL TORO Full kitchen Air conditioning Back up generator Boat Boat house Dock Laundry Rain water collection Solar system Water filtration WiFi -- Amenities THE BUILDINGS Built with love by a couple who wanted to escape the maddening pace of the world, the two story home has apartments on each floor: The upstairs has its own entrance and is designed to have an open airy feeling, with a massive veranda. The modern kitchen has granite countertops, and dthe Living/Bed space is wrapped by large screened windows showing panoramic views of the clear Caribbean Bay. The ground floor has two small bedrooms, a kitchenette, one bathroom and the laundry room. Every bedroom is Air Conditioned! Adjacent to the home is a large covered boat house. THE OFF GRID SYSTEMS The Private Island in Dolphin Bay has three 1,250 gallon water tanks. Twenty one solar panels, and Outback lithium-ion batteries. THE EXTRAS A Jacuzzi Tub, 2 Generators 28 foot double-hulled speedboat 4 stroke Suzuki 225 hp engine Garden Island Ocean view Rental income Waterfront Features THE DREAM The Dolphin Bay Private Island is perfect for the sailor: A protected bay within a protected bay, three times, makes this property the Matryoshka Doll of sailboat safety. The front dock is more than 5 feet deep. The Dolphin Bay Private Island is perfect for a weekend getaway: Need a break from everyone you know? Head to your own island for the week, and come back refreshed! What a wonderful way to market your future Airbnb rental. If you love the Dolphin Bay Private Island, please see Roots Real Estate Panama’s off-grid page. Private island Residential A Heart Shaped Private Island in Dolphin Bay USD $499,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0021 Date added: 06/06/22 Bedrooms: 3 Floors: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Status: RoP Lot size: 604 m² Location: Dolphin Bay, Bocas Del Toro Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Private island Residential Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features Full kitchen Air conditioning Back up generator Boat Boat house Dock Laundry Rain water collection Solar system Water filtration WiFi -- More about this Property Amenities Full kitchen Air conditioning Back up generator Boat Boat house Dock Laundry Rain water collection Solar system Water filtration WiFi -- Garden Island Ocean view Rental income Waterfront Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- 6 Lots en Bord de Riviere a Santa Fe
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ LES LOTS Les 6 lots sont divisés et leurs prix sont les suivants : Lot 1 : 7880 m2 - 178,000 USD Ce lot a une belle élévation, une vue sur la rivière et un accès direct à la route sur deux côtés, un côté avec une route asphaltée et l'autre côté est une route Tosca. Lot 2 : 2755 m2 - pour 42,000 USD Ce lot a une belle élévation avec une vue dégagée sur la rivière, l'accès à la route se fait par la route asphaltée. Lot 3 : 2312 m2 - 37,000 USD Ce lot a une belle élévation avec une vue dégagée sur la rivière, l'accès à la route se fait par la route asphaltée. Lot 4 : 2604 m2 - 41,000 USD Ce lot a une belle élévation avec une vue dégagée sur la rivière, l'accès se fait par la route asphaltée. Lot 5 : 1 hectare et 7814 m2 - 210,000 USD Ce lot est le plus grand et dispose d'un accès direct par la route Tosca et la route asphaltée. Il a également une façade directe sur la rivière. Lot 6 : 1 Hectare et 3290 m2 - 158,000 USD Ce lot est le deuxième plus grand et a une façade directe sur la rivière. L'accès à ce lot se fait uniquement par la route Tosca. Les prix sont flexibles lorsque les lots sont achetés en gros ! Une remise importante de 525 000 USD est offerte pour l'achat de l'ensemble de la propriété. 6 LOTES A LO LARGO DEL RIO MARIA Santa Fe es la próxima frontera cuando se trata de la hermosa primavera como el clima, y la tierra asequible. Echa un vistazo a estos 6 lotes ubicados a minutos de la ciudad. route accessible -- Amenities L'EMPLACEMENT Santa Fe est une charmante ville située dans la province de Veraguas au Panama. Connue pour ses paysages pittoresques, sa verdure luxuriante et son relief montagneux, Santa Fe est très appréciée des amoureux de la nature et des amateurs d'activités de plein air. La ville est entourée de forêts tropicales, de rivières et de cascades, ce qui en fait une destination idéale pour la randonnée, l'observation des oiseaux et la découverte de la beauté de l'intérieur du Panama. Santa Fe offre également une atmosphère paisible, parfaite pour ceux qui cherchent à échapper à l'agitation de la vie urbaine. Dans l'ensemble, Santa Fe, Veraguas est un joyau caché qui mérite d'être visité pour sa beauté naturelle et sa tranquillité. proche au riviere abordable proche au ville Features Residenciel 6 Lots en Bord de Riviere a Santa Fe USD 37,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: id:0304 Date added: 6/15/2024 Bedrooms: 0 Floors: 0 Bathrooms: 0 Status: Intitulé Lot size: 2,312 m2 Location: Santa Fe, Veraguas, Panamam Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Residenciel Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features route accessible -- More about this Property Amenities route accessible -- proche au riviere abordable proche au ville Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- The Iconic Cabana Cafe and Coffee Farm
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ Atop the Cordillera mountain chain, between Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui, drivers slow to a stop at the traffic control to show their licences and take in the breathtaking views. Its the perfect opportunity for a bathroom break and a coffee to fuel the rest of the ride, or to stay the night and break up the drive. ICONIC COFFEE STOP AND 3 BEDROOM MOTEL This inviting orange Cafe is shaped like a fairytale cabin in the woods. With Miradores and whimsical gardens the establishment invites bus loads of travelers and commuters to enjoy their famous frappes, coffee grown on site, and the incredible views from the Cafe's patio. Municipal Electricity Operational Business -- Amenities THE CAFE The cafe is on the garden level of the building and has a refridgerated display case, and an espresso machine. There is a kitchen in the back for washing dishes. In the front of the cafe there are two seperate seating areas, 2 bathrooms, and a wrap around patio. Upstairs are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, which the owners rent out to people making the mountain crossing. THE LAND The land is almost 2 hectares in size and borders La Fortuna Nature Reserve. Neighbors in the area are popular eco lodges who have taken advantage of the incredible biodiversity in the area, offering guided hikes and nature tours, all . The majority of the this property is planted with various coffee plants (geysha, ovata and caturra) , the elevation is high enough that the coveted Geysha bean thrives! The most gorgeous features of this property are the breathtaking views and the pretty waterfall which runs along its East border. Waterfall Borders National Park Road Access Income Producing Big Views Features Commercial The Iconic Cabana Cafe and Coffee Farm USD 180,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID:0193 Date added: 10/24/2023 Bedrooms: 3 Floors: 2 Bathrooms: 3 Status: RoP Lot size: 1.8 Hectares Location: Hornito, Chiriqui, Panama Facts More about this Property Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Commercial Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features Municipal Electricity Operational Business -- More about this Property Amenities Municipal Electricity Operational Business -- Waterfall Borders National Park Road Access Income Producing Big Views Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Titled Dolphin Bay Home
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ The calm and protected waters of Dolphin Bay, are spawning grounds for many fish who grow in shoals until they are large enough to face the open sea. For this reason, you will find a resident family of well fed dolphins who call the bay home- hence the name Dolphin Bay! Living in such close proximity to the dolphins means daily sightings, and even paddle up close encounters. Dolphins are not the only adorable creatures bordering this pretty home however! The Titled Dolphin Bay home is bordered by a thick stretch of coral reef along the property's half a mile of coast, and 17.8 hectares of pure mainland jungle behind! Octopus, blow fish and decorator crabs are some of the most charismatic creatures you'll find on the reef, and in the backyard you'll see an abundance of sloths, and most definitely hear the howler monkeys before you stumble upon them. The list of creatures who inhabit this undisturbed region of Bocas del Toro is a long one, and scientists are still finding new species thriving within. A WILDLIFE ENTHUSIAST'S DREAM, THE TITLED DOLPHIN BAY HOME solar system workshop laundry rain water catchment dock -- Amenities THE LAND The Titled Dolphin Bay Home sits on 17.8 hectares,14.4 hectares of this wild property is ROP land, while the house and garden occupy the titled 3.4 hectares along the waterfront. In Acres thats 8.4 titled and 36 Rop, 44 acres in total! The property is boat access only, and located 25 minutes from Bocas Town, and 30 minutes from the port town of Almirante on the mainland. Within Dolphin bay are 2 restaurants, and a new road reaching the adjacent lagoon will provide car parking spaces only 5 minutes away! A trail wraps the perimeter of the property, and leads to an incredible look out point at the crest of the hill (roughly 200 feet above sea level). From this look out you can see the intricate coastline for miles in both directions. The property has 1/2 mile of its own waterfront, with deep water moorage at the North West corner for the potential of a private protected marina, and plenty of useable land for future segregation. The property boasts a many features which bolster an autonomous lifestyle, a few fresh water streams offer back up water supply, and an abundance of vegetation including pineapple, breadfruit, bananas, Cacao, lemons , coconuts, and limes grow on the property. THE HOME From the waterfront base of the Titled Dolphin Bay Home property, a cement pathway leads up from the newly built dock and boat house to the ocean front home surrounded by manicured grass, and exotic flowers and fruits. The 2 bedroom and 1.5 bathroom home sits on beautifully elevated building site to over look Dolphin bay. The foundation is a concrete slab which is walled with concrete block all the way around. The wrap around porch has recently been stained, and the interior ceilings and exposed trellises have been painted with 2 coats of primer and an anti mould layer of white paint to brighten the space. The great room has the kitchen, living and dining spaces, and accesses the 2 bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own bathroom, the master suite has a shower, and the guest room has a half bath. A fully covered wrap around porch widens at the front of the home, for excellent outdoor living space, with gorgeous views and refreshing breeze. At the back of the home, the covered veranda hosts the washing and drying machines, and extra cabinet space for storage. There is also a bodega in the backyard for gardening equipment. Coral reef anchorage garden ocean-view Features THE OFFGRID SYSTEMS The home runs on a 4800 watt solar system, New batteries were purchased in December 2021 3600 gallon water catchment plus 100 gallons more in the bodega cistern. THE EXTRAS fully furnished a bodega full of misc tools Honda 5500 watt generator with remote ignition 3000 watt generator BBQ 2005 - 23ft Eduardono Panga boat w/ Yamaha 60hp 12ft skiff w/ Yamaha 15hp The property is in a corporation for easy transfer of ownership and taxes are only 300$ per year! SOLD Titled Dolphin Bay Home USD 490,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID:0156 Date added: 12/23/22 Bedrooms: 2 Floors: 1 Bathrooms: 1.5 Status: Titled Lot size: 17.8 hectares Location: Tierra Oscura, Dolphin Bay, Bocas del Toro, Panama Facts More about this Property Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ SOLD Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features solar system workshop laundry rain water catchment dock -- More about this Property Amenities solar system workshop laundry rain water catchment dock -- Coral reef anchorage garden ocean-view Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- Parcelas con Titulo y Concesión de Agua en el centro histórico del Bocas Pueblo
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ EL PROYECTO El proyecto abarca dos parcelas de 200 m2 frente al mar TITULADAS, cada una con su propia concesión de agua de 500 m2. Los diseños han sido elaborados con esmero y profesionalidad, y se mantienen fieles al ambiente colonial de la ciudad, que la nueva normativa pretende preservar. El proyecto ha diseñado hasta 50 unidades residenciales y hoteleras en las 3 plantas superiores, con unidades comerciales en la planta baja, y también se ha aprobado el espacio para atracar hasta 10 embarcaciones. Los estudios de impacto ambiental y los permisos de construcción han sido aprobados previamente, pero tendrán que ser restablecidos para que el proyecto pueda completarse. Esta es una invitación a coinvertir en la realización del proyecto, o a comprarlo directamente. TERRENO Y PLANOS PARA LA PLAZA COMERCIAL OVER THE WATER Participe en la evolución de Bocas Town. Se ha aprobado la construcción de 1000 m2 de espacio de concesión sobre las aguas cristalinas del archipiélago de Bocas del Toro. electricidad municipio agau del municipio -- Amenities LA COMUNIDAD Gracias a los importantes avances en infraestructuras que se están llevando a cabo, te alegrará saber que Isla Colón funciona ahora con energía hidroeléctrica procedente del continente. Este avance dirige a la comunidad en una dirección de carbono neutral, y hace que la electricidad sea accesible para todos. Otros cambios interesantes son la remodelación del apreciado parque central de la ciudad, el nuevo alcantarillado y las nuevas carreteras. Ahora es el momento perfecto para invertir en el futuro de esta comunidad y participar en su nuevo diseño. EL SUEÑO Amamos lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo de Bocas, igual que usted ama su camiseta favorita o su par de calcetines de la suerte...., pero sólo podemos avanzar aceptando los cambios inevitables. Los huecos del paseo marítimo de Bocas Town son como los dientes que faltan en la sonrisa de un niño, que pronto crecerán brillantes y nuevos. El crecimiento responsable ayudará a esta comunidad a prosperar. accesso al calle al centro embarcadero frente al mar Features Commercial Parcelas con Titulo y Concesión de Agua en el centro histórico del Bocas Pueblo 1,200,000 USD Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0219 Date added: 3/23/2024 Bedrooms: -- Floors: -- Bathrooms: -- Status: Title Lot size: 1400 m2 Location: Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panama Facts More about this Property ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Commercial Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features electricidad municipio agau del municipio -- More about this Property Amenities electricidad municipio agau del municipio -- accesso al calle al centro embarcadero frente al mar Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts
- ile privee du pacifique Isla Mona
You may also be interested in... Explore similar properties between the islands of Bocas del Toro and the highlands of Boquete, be it jungle lots, island escapes or residential property. Should you have further questions do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation call with our customer experience team here in Panama. Plant your Roots in Panamá now! Panama Real Estate for relocation or investment Back to All ➜ Get in touch If you are interested in this property, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Roots team. We'll reach out on your preferred channel, be it Whatsapp, ZOOM, or email. ➜ ➜ Dans le golfe de Chiriqui, des îlots rocheux surgissent de la mer, comme l'Isla Nublar de Jurassic Park, et non loin de là, puisque l'île fictive était située à l'ouest du Costa Rica ! Nous vous rassurons, Isla Mono est réelle et il n'y a pas de dinosaures.... bien que certaines des plus grandes créatures du monde affluent toujours dans la région en grands groupes. Le golfe de Chiriqui est un lieu de naissance sacré pour les baleines à bosse de l'hémisphère sud et de l'hémisphère nord, et la saison des baleines est encore plus divertissante qu'une superproduction des années 1990 ! ISLA MONA, UNE ILE TROPICALE PRIVEE DANS LE GOLFE DE CHIRIQUI -- Amenities LE TERRAIN Véritable trésor, cette île privée de 8,5 hectares a une altitude de 20 à 25 mètres et une base rocheuse solide, qui ne sera pas érodée de sitôt ! L'île est sauvage, sans le moindre signe d'activité humaine, les baies rocheuses du côté exposé au vent semblent lisses, comme si le vent avait façonné leurs arbres au fil des siècles, et il y a une petite plage sur la côte sous le vent de l'île. L'île possède sa propre source d'eau douce et se trouve à seulement 200 mètres au large. Elle fait face à la magnifique péninsule de Bejuco au nord-est, et au reste de l'archipel exotique du Golfe de Chiriqui au sud-ouest. LE RÊVE L'île tropicale privée dans le Golfe de Chiriqui est parfaite pour : Un Eco Lodge de luxe La région de Boca Chica a le taux de location le plus élevé, par nuit, de tout le pays. Il y a une raison à cela ! C'est absolument magnifique, il y a une pêche incroyable, et il y a un sentiment d'exclusivité associé à la location d'un bateau privé et d'un capitaine pour la journée et à l'exploration des plages sans personne en vue. Boca Chica abrite l'un des meilleurs hôtels du Panama, Isla Palanque, qui a été présenté dans divers magazines comme Luster, Lampoon, Issuu, Nuvo et Island Home Magazine ! Un tout compris pour les aventuriers ! L'île tropicale privée dans le Golfe de Chiriqui est parfaite pour : tout ce que votre cœur désire Que fait-on avec une île privée ? Se détendre... se promener.... peindre, construire, danser.... Élever des dinosaures ? front de plage Île Vue sur l'océan Front de mer Île privée Features Île privée Hors réseau ile privee du pacifique Isla Mona USD 800,000 Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ID: ID: 0162 Date added: 1/2/23 Bedrooms: Floors: Bathrooms: Status: RoP Lot size: 8.5 hectares Location: Isla Mono, Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama Facts More about this Property Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá ➜ Back to listings overview ➜ Back to listings overview USD 3600000 Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Discover the latest Newcomers to our portfolio ➜ ➜ Île privée Hors réseau Carmen Roots Real Estate Panamá Spectacular operating hotel in Bluff Beach Exterior Features -- More about this Property Amenities -- front de plage Île Vue sur l'océan Front de mer Île privée Features Island Plantation is a small Bali-style Eco Resort located right in front of the beautiful and unspoiled Bluff Beach on the main island of the Bocas archipelago. Three comfortable and elegantly decorated Deluxe rooms with king beds, and a two-bedroom suite (one king bed, two singles) make up this little paradise. The owners and managers are seasoned hospitality professionals who understand the importance of great beds, exquisite food and wine, excellent service and the little extras that make any stay special. It has 10 rooms in total, with a pizzeria, bar, restaurant, yoga area and many more amenities. ID: 18807 Building size in m²: 1434 Bedrooms: Floors: 0 Bathrooms: Status: For Sale Lot size in m²: 5540.12 Living space in m²: 1434 Facts